
Friday, June 12, 2009

email to my hubby

I just sent this to brad. And then thought i should blog it. I hope he doesn't mind...:) I just want you all to have a glimpse of how great a husband he is!!!

(Some of this may be an inside joke. But. You know.)

From: Melissa
To: Brad Venable
Date: 06-12-09
Subject: I love...

Your hands
Your lips
Your eyes
Your smile
Your stubble
Your shoulders
Your legs
Your butt!
Your ……!
Your love
Your HUGS!
Your kisses
Your snuggles
Your hilariousness
Your help
Your keyboard playing
Your silliness
Your cartoon voices
Your LOVE (did I say that already?)
Your sweetness
Your understanding
Your getting me things when I’m being lazy
Your chocolate milkshakes
Your wine!
Your taking the dog out b/c I’m too lazy!
Your washing the dishes when you know I’m coming home to cook
Your being a total sweetheart
Your loving me all the time, even when I’m being a butt face
Your movie-watching with me, even when you’d rather be doing something else
Your ears
Yours chest
Your letting me dress you!
Your changing from the black belt/shoes to the brown belt/shoes, when you could care less just b/c you know it makes me happy
Your kindness to others
Your non-judgmental attitude
Your Hebrew speaking
Your Bible studying
Your Greek learning
Your face!
Your head!
Your hair
Your bike riding with me & motivating me when I don’t feel like it.
Your hugs (I think I said that)

…And the list goes on…


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