
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Keep Calm & Carry On


You've seen the posters, right? They're everywhere. At first, I didn't know what all the fuss is about. I like the cute, simple design & even the saying...it's good to be reminded to just CALM DOWN & keep on going, you know? It's cute. That's all. But i did eventually hear where it came from...

Keep Calm and Carry On was a poster produced by the British government in 1939 during the beginning of World War II, intended to raise the morale of the British public in the event of invasion. It was little known and never used. The poster was rediscovered in 2000 and has been re-issued by a number of private sector companies, and used as the decorative theme for a range of other products. There are only two known surviving examples of the poster outside of government archives. (Wikipedia)

Well, I've been on Etsy quite a bit today (don't tell...). My friend Tonya & I share an office at work. And we have this really ugly painting on the wall. She put it up there when we moved here, because she just felt like the wall needed SOMETHING. I kinda disagree...I'd rather bare walls than walls with ugly things...but i was too lazy to take it down... (yeah...just call me lazy...i work out 4-5 days/week, i swear).

So today i somehow ended up on Etsy & decided to finally look for a fun bright painting or poster or something to put in place of the ugly painting.

{SIDE NOTE: Honestly, i was going to take a pic of the ugly painting for you, but decided i shouldn't in case the artist saw it on my blog & got her feelings hurt. Then i thought "that's ridiculous. it's probably not even someone you can find through Google!". Then curiosity got the best of me. I googled the artist's name. And oh my dear heavens. She is an artist. She has her own website. She is from my city (or at least lived here once)! CRAZY! I will not post her painting. But trust me. I could do better. And i kind of suck at painting!}

ANYWAY. I looked for inspirational pics first. I saw TONS of great quotes, but none that i thought would work for us. At some point, i decided a "KEEP CALM & CARRY ON" poster would be a great idea for work. I mean, really. Sometimes we just need to be reminded of that. A lot of coworkers come in our office because we have a small copier in there & we also have a supply cabinet in there. The picture is right by the door on anyone's way out. It'd be a good reminder.

As I was looking, I saw some great ones. They have one for everyone now. I'm sure you've seen some of these. But i have to share some of my favorites.



Aren't these great!? They had some clever ones too...


And some funny ones...



Hahaha...that one cracks me up! The artist says, "Sure, you could get one of those ["keep calm & carry on" ones] and try and be cool headed, but why not put up a sign that reflects reality: Sometimes you just want to let it all go and cry with all the power that is in you. In these instances a "Keep Calm" sign might make you mad. A "Sob Uncontrollably" poster will make you laugh. 

I just had a good time looking at all of these & had to share! I will probably get the original one for work but I really want that "Keep Calm & Soak On" one for the bathroom!! That is so "ME"!

Which ones do you like? Got any good ideas for a funny or inspirational quote in the office?


  1. Those are fun!! I want to see the ugly painting!

  2. Haha, I love the last one! That is so me sometimes, but I never feel like I CAN do that...but I do. :-)

  3. oh, that last one was totally me yesterday. I think I need it to put in my bedroom... haha!

  4. My faves are the last one and "keep calm and eat a cupcake". The last one ranks #1 for sure! Definitely awesome for an office. Sooo awesome I'd like to have a small one to put on a stand or something for my desk! :)

  5. I saw one in an office that said, 'Work Hard and Be Nice To People."


    LOVE it!


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