
Saturday, December 7, 2013

The V. Family | Rural Life Museum | Baton Rouge, LA

Ashley is one of my good friends, and I was thrilled to have the chance to take pictures of her family. I went to high school with Ashley & Dan; all three of us were in musical theater class together. They got married right after high school. They have a beautiful, funny & sweet family.

I have to say this was probably the most fun I have ever had at a photo shoot. First of all, her family is HILARIOUS! All of them are funny, but especially her husband, Dan, and her youngest son, Noah. They were cracking me up! So much so, that i was afraid i would have blurry pictures... much of the time i was laughing so hard the camera was shaking! Ha!

She also really wanted sort of a rustic background, and the only place I could think of locally is Rural Life Museum. They charge for people to do photo shoots, though, and normally when I tell clients that they say "nevermind". And I get it, we're all trying to save money. But i am SO glad Ashley thought the cost was worth it, because i had so much fun shooting there!

Here are my favorites. Enjoy!

Dan & Ashley



& Noah

The whole fam! 

Hahaha... Ashley's idea... & I love it. :)


  1. These are great! Awesome job, Mel!

  2. Awww... love that closeup at the end there!! :)

    Great pics Mel!

  3. the kissy picture with the kids making yucky faces-- HILARIOUS. I'm thinking one like that will be in our future. :)

  4. I haven't read any blogs lately so I was catching up on yours & found US!!! I LOVE our pictures so much!!! YOU ROCK!!!!


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