Monday, January 31, 2011

a resolutions update!

A lot of people say that they don't make New Year's Resolutions, because what's the point? Nobody ever sticks with them. Well, i think part of the reason they don't "stick" is because a year is a long time! You forget about your goals. All the more reason to write them down & revisit them each month! :)'s January 31st. How am i doing?! I've decided to post monthly reviews at the end of each month in order to stay focused & get back to my resolutions if i realize i'm slipping up! So far, so good, though!


1. Read the Bible in a Year = A+!!!
RIGHT ON SCHEDULE! I haven't missed a day yet. It is AMAZING that i have kept up with this so far! One night, i went to bed, turned out the light & suddenly remembered i hadn't read my Bible that day! I turned the light on & began to read. Brad said, "just read it tomorrow", but i refused. That's how i get off track! I usually read the old testament, psalms & proverbs in the morning & the new testament portion that evening. I'd read it all in the morning but i usually run out of time!

2. Be Healthy = A+!!!
I have to give myself an A+ on this as well. You can read more details on my weightloss blog, but so far I have exercised 5 days a week EVERY week, I have quit my Sprite ZERO habit, i have switched out my morning snack (veggies now, not carbs) & i have lost 3.4 pounds. That's in 3 weeks because for some reason i didn't get a starting weight January 3rd. I'm pumped! :)

3. Learn my new camera & take a pic a day on Facebook = ehhh, B-
Well, i have been taking a pic a day & putting it on FB. But i missed 2 or 3 days in there, i think. And i honestly haven't finished reading my manual or learned a lot more about photography. I have taken a ton of pics though & i do love my new camera!!! I'll get to it at some point. :)

4. Save Money = D
We, as a couple, are saving quite well. Saving for our future. A large portion of my paycheck goes towards bills, debt, & savings - to the joint account that Brad is in control of. THAT savings is going quite well. However, i have my own account just for gas, spending money, vet/groomer, etc. I was wanting to start saving my Manship money. I haven't much at all. And that is where the D comes in.

Well, i did go through our closets & organize the kitchen cabinets which was enough for January. I need to add on to this each month, though! :)

6. Be on time = B+!!
So excited! Okay, if you saw this post, you know that i've been struggling with making it to work on time. I told Dusty, a coworker that is the first person i see when i come in to work, to make me pay her 50 cents every time i am late. I have only had to pay her 3 times! That is AWESOME! Plus, each of those times, i was only 5 minutes late, not my typical 20 (or more!) minutes late! I am doing awesome with this! YAY!

I feel like i'm doing really well so far! :)

I also had a bucket list for 2011. So far I have accomplished a few of them:
1-attending our church regularly - check!
2- i'll be participating in a blog bible study starting this Wednesday!
3- i'm signed up for a 5k on February 19th!
4- I've had one girl's night out so far this year.
5- I have sent snail mail. :)

YAY! How are you doing with your goals lately?! :)


  1. Awesome! I'm still doing well with staying on my Bible reading plan. It seems to be working well for me.

    Get that photo book I told you about. It will help you stay on track more because you will have things to practice. (By the way I don't think I answered in the email... $12 is a GREAT price for that book and it is worth buying.)

  2. Congrats!!! I'm doing great on my Bible reading proud of myself.My money saving is ok...could be better.So excited about the BBS tomorrow!!!

  3. Great job! :) So excited for you that you've been keeping up so well!

  4. Good for you!!! I love the idea of monthly updates for your resolutions! I may have to try that too! Good thinking!
    And i thought the saving money was a =D face not a D!!!! I was wondering why u didnt seem thrilled! Had to go back & re read! Duh!!! Haha!!!!
    I know i say this all the time, but i dont think u can ever hear this enough: i am so proud of you!!!!! You are doing awesome!!!! Keep it up!!!!! Love ya!!!!!

  5. So glad you are doing so well! Keep up the good work!

    I didn't make any new resolutions. Just sort of continuing from last year. :) Based on yours, here is how I've been doing.

    Last week was the first time this year that I made it to the gym 3 days. Between the school delays/cancellations and sick kids, I just haven't gotten back completely to my routine. I'm beginning to think it will be March or April before I will. :)

    I'm eating a handful of M&Ms while typing this, so .... :)

    Project 365 is right on schedule. Some days I have a hard time picking just one picture to post. Others I struggle to get one good one. Read your manual! And play! That's the only way to learn.

    Bible reading - I've been reading through the Bible each year for the past 3 years or so. I'm struggling this week because the OT reading is the later chapters of Exodus and I find them incredibly boring. All those measurements and stuff. But I still read.

    Money - January was a very good month for sticking with the budget. I even have some cash left in my wallet. It kills me to spend $50+ to fill my gas tank though! Ugh!

    Sorry this is so long! Maybe I should have just written a blog post! :)

  6. I'm so glad things are going well! Yay for BBS!


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